How To - Setup L2TP/IPSec VPN on Chrome OS

  1. First, navigate to the Settings page of the Chrome OS device by clicking on the Chrome Menu in the top-right corner of the Chrome Browser.
  2. Or, you can click on the User Profile Menu in the bottom right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  3. In the Settings window, select Add connection, Then select Add OpenVPN/L2TP.
  4. When the Join VPN network window is displayed, fill in the fields to set up the VPN connection. The fields are defined as follows:
    1. The Server hostname is either the DNS hostname or public IP address associated with the Cipafilter
    2. The Service name is the name of the VPN connection as it appears in Chrome OS Settings
    3. The*Provider type is the encryption protocol that is being used, in this case L2TP/IPsec + pre-shared key
    4. The Username and Password will be a username and password as defined on the User Accounts tab of the User Manager page.  The VPN option must be enabled for the user.
    5. The Pre-shared key will be found on the End-User VPN tab of the VPN page of the Cipafilter
    6. After this information is entered, the VPN connection can be seen among the other network connections in the Network section of the Chrome OS Settings.
    7. Clicking on the User Profile Menu on the bottom right of the screen will show the VPN connection, along with any WiFi or Bluetooth connections. The VPN icon will appear as a segmented bar. This icon may also be seen as part of the WiFi icon in the bottom right side of the Chrome OS screen, near the clock.
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